Saturday, May 30, 2015

On Maintaining Home Air Conditioning Units

On those few occasions when the heat becomes too unbearable, even indoors, you can always rely on an air conditioning unit to provide relief from feverish temperatures. Air conditioners can also balance the humidity of an indoor space, and can help filter out particulates such as pollen from the air. For all their versatility, air conditioners can break down on occasion, and homeowners need to know what to do in the event their AC units suddenly do not work.
Perhaps one of the most common issues plaguing air conditioning units is inadequate cooling. This is often the result of dirt clogging up the evaporator and/or condenser of the unit, which homeowners can easily fix by completely cleaning their units. Dirt can also be a problem whenever it clogs the unit’s filters lowering its cooling efficiency; fortunately it can be removed to restore an AC’s optimum output.
While cleaning an air conditioning unit can improve its performance, it cannot fix problems related to the hardware of the appliance. Blown fuses that prevent ACs from turning on, refrigerant leaks that lower overall cooling capacity, faulty compressor—homeowners who notice these things after they have cleaned their units should call for a contractor to take a look at their systems and repair any damages found.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tap Dancing: Making Tap Water Clean and Safe

Although tap water across most provinces in Canada is relatively safe, homeowners should still remain cautious of what comes out of their faucets. Tap water has been known to occasionally carry E.coli and other coliform bacteria, especially if it has been laced with contaminants such as sewage. Worse, some toxic materials such as lead could occasionally find their way into tap water. As a precaution, homeowners should consider treatment systems to render tap water clean enough for consumption.
Water treatment systems are major appliances that can filter out harmful contaminants from water, leaving it safe to drink. Not only do these treatment systems take out bacteria, they can also remove water’s harmful chlorine and lead content. Treated water noticeably tastes fresh and does not have an odour—proof that no contaminants remain in the liquid.
While mainly used for producing drinkable water, water systems can also be used to soften water. Hard water contains minerals such as calcium that can clog up piping over time while also severely affecting its taste and usefulness in washing. Softening water involves filtering out the particulates to leave behind a pure liquid. With water treatment systems, homeowners no longer have to suffer with unpalatable, weird-tasting, and potentially toxic water.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Your Edmonton Water Heater and Its Importance in a Boil Water Advisory

"How does your water heater in Edmonton play a role in this kind of situation? For consumption, water must be boiled to make it potable, once cooled. Water heaters can be tapped to help save time in boiling potable water as hot water boils faster than cold. The statement that “cold water boils faster” is a myth. The hot water tanks Edmonton homes usually have need to be drained once the water advisory is lifted. You’ll need to empty the water pipes to get the safe, clean water pouring in again. To do this, you’ll have to turn the hot water tap on and keep it on until the water running from it turns cold. The aim is to get the stored water to drain from the heater so it can refill with safe water."

Let Plumbers Sort out Your Hard Water Concerns

Water with a high pH content is also known as hard water. Hard water can be a great problem because of its considerable calcium and magnesium content. When heated, these minerals get separated from the water and accumulate onto surfaces as mineral deposits, otherwise known as “scale.” This scale can then adversely affect the performance of household fixtures like water lines, as well as become unattractive sights in bathrooms and kitchens. In addition, they’re quite tough to remove.

So how can you tell if you have hard water? Various telltale signs manifest, including what’s already been described—visible scaling which are left over after water evaporates. Scaling appears as white spots or powder on different surfaces, as well as some sort of “coating” on the inside of glassware. Hard water also makes it difficult to lather soap, and the minerals in it can also remain in your hair after a shower.

Perhaps the best way to solve hard water issues is to call qualified plumbers and have them install a water softener. Water softeners make the calcium and magnesium traces in hard water switch places with more desirable minerals like sodium, essentially eliminating the problem with mineral deposits since sodium doesn’t precipitate. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about sodium accumulation—the amount added to your water is less than 12.5 milligrams per an 8-ounce glass. With the calcium and magnesium gone, you can enjoy showers the way you’re supposed to and not worry about your pipes anymore.