Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Understanding Stony Plain Heating Systems

The relatively cold climate of Canada, especially in Alberta, makes heating systems indispensable. Understanding how different heating systems work helps determine the right one for your home.

Boilers and Furnaces

The common types of heating technology in the country are hydro or forced-air via boilers or furnaces. Both typically use gas, propane or oil to heat up water or air. Both are identified as central heating systems as they can distribute sufficient heat throughout the house while in a single location.

The more popular of the two is the forced-air system, mainly for its cost-effective maintenance, durability and affordable structure. Most Canadians prefer furnaces for their heating mechanism. Heat pumps use this system as well. When choosing furnace heaters, purchase those with high-efficiency motors to reduce 70% of energy consumption in your home. 

Combined Systems

For a more effective system, some households modify their furnaces to create combined fuel energy designs. Oil-electric furnaces are those that utilize electricity for the heating mechanism while burning oil only during the winter. Wood-electric furnaces, mostly found in rural areas, mainly use wood but switches to electricity once the wood can no longer supply enough heat. Oil and electricity fuel most heating systems in the country, while furnaces still dominate the residential systems. 

Different heating designs and fuel sources enable you to choose the proper heating mechanism for your home. Weather conditions of your location are significant to know the amount of heat you need inside your house.

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